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br After several decades of community based interventions an
After several decades of community-based interventions and surveillance, on Nov 15, 2016, Morocco was recognised by WHO as having eliminated trachoma as a public health problem. A formal ceremony, involving the handover of a letter of recognition from Margaret Chan, WHO\'s Director-General, marked
In our opinion environmental pollution should
In our opinion, environmental pollution should be considered as a common risk factor for both dementia and schizophrenia. Studies are warranted to test this hypothesis, and if confirmed, the clinical implications could be of great importance for public and mental health. Future research, including l
br Discussion Rarely a breast cancer patient has histologica
Discussion Rarely, a breast cancer patient has histologically proven breast cancer found outside the breast without a detectable primary breast tumor. Almost always the site of detected disease is an axillary lymph node. The incidence of axillary breast cancer with occult primary is relative low,
In the present study we found
In the present study, we found that stathmin was significantly down-regulated upon treatment with a combination of Zol and gefitinib. The down-regulation of stathmin, which was not detected by 2-D DIGE after treatment with either agent alone, was considered to be attributable to cooperative effect o
The main inherited arrhythmogenic causes of
The main inherited arrhythmogenic causes of SCD in the young are summarized in Fig. 1. These arrhythmogenic disorders include familial long QT syndrome (LQTS), catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), Brugada syndrome (BrS), idiopathic ventricular fibrillation, early repolarizat
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between
Most forms of AVNRT are created by reentry between two (or more) atrial connections to the AV node. The fast AV nodal pathway (shortest conduction time) is formed by transitional cells crossing the tendon of Todaro superiorly. Two slow AV nodal pathways are formed by the rightward and leftward infer
Coincidente con esta perspectiva Tadeo es un escritor que
Coincidente con esta perspectiva, Tadeo es un escritor que busca alejarse del vulgo y considera que la gran literatura no puede ser comprendida por todos. Su ensimismamiento lo conduce al desprecio por los otros y Bisindolylmaleimide V un aislamiento extremo, donde al final ni siquiera es capaz de c
wee1 inhibitor Case report A year old Caucasian male who
Case report A 76 year-old Caucasian male who was evaluated in an emergency department due to headache in May 2001 and was found to have a right parietal subdural hematoma (SDH). Baseline blood work revealed thrombocytopenia of 50×109/L. His SDH was managed with surgical evacuation with full recover
Skin involvement is present in of cases of fusariosis
Skin involvement is present in 68–70% of cases of fusariosis [5]. As skin is one of the primary sources of entry, thorough skin examination and biopsy of suspicious nodules should be considered. Sinus involvement occurs in 80% of cases of disseminated fusariosis, with manifestations including facial
In our opinion environmental pollution should
In our opinion, environmental pollution should be considered as a common risk factor for both dementia and schizophrenia. Studies are warranted to test this hypothesis, and if confirmed, the clinical implications could be of great importance for public and mental health. Future research, including l
Vuelve a aparecer aqu la ntima satisfacci
Vuelve NHS Biotin aparecer aquí la íntima satisfacción de un Aub cuyas obras, por expeditivas que sean —dos semanas para elaborar toda una exposición— y mediocres que puedan parecer, levantan pasiones entre los entendidos en arte porque en buena medida es a ellos, capaces de mutar la arena en oro y
Most spinal schwannomas derived from Schwann cells
Most spinal schwannomas derived from Schwann vorapaxar along the dorsal sensory roots involve radicular pain as the most common initial symptom. However, symptoms may be subtle and progress slowly over time, owing to the slow-growing nature of these tumors. In our case, it\'s more difficult to thin
Causative genes for ARVC and their
Causative genes for ARVC and their respective characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Desmosome genes for ARVC Other causative genes for ARVC Although more than half of ARVC patients carry mutations in desmosome genes, other genes have also been reported as causative genes for ARVC (Table
As en una parodia llevada al
Así, en una parodia llevada al extremo del absurdo de esta escritura blanca o vacía, Amélie descubre finalmente que los tesoros vivientes no escriben, sus libros son “maquetas empastadas con las hojas en blanco” (55). Tekendogo es un país donde la dictadura se legitima ctap través de una ritualizaci
br II En lo que sigue proponemos un an lisis
II En lo que sigue, proponemos un análisis de El fistol del diablo que parte inicialmente de una etnografía simbólica de objetos de valor estético —caso ilustrado en la novela de Payno con un fistol de diamante engastado—, con raíces en leyendas y en la historia literaria de varias naciones del m
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