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El proceso hist rico de
El proceso histórico de conformación del Estado en Chile, su momento constitutivo en el siglo xix es precisamente la invasión del Estado liberal chileno a territorio de los pueblos originarios; desposesión que disocia la comunidad cultural mapuche de la soberanía territorial que hasta ese momento ha
Finally it is highly interesting
Finally, it is highly interesting to note that human endogenous retroviruses have been suggested to play a role in the etiology of both MS and MPN [7,9]. Supporting this notion, both MS and MPN are treated with type 1 interferons, which have very potent antiviral and immunomodulating effects. Indeed
br Introduction Bone marrow fibrosis is
Introduction Bone marrow fibrosis is known to occur in several neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. Among neoplastic conditions such as acute leukemia, it is most often seen with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia [1]. Acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) presenting with marrow fibrosis is a rare
Cancer stem cells are capable of differentiation and self
Cancer stem rna polymerase are capable of differentiation and self-renewal. In 1994, CSCs were described for the first time. Hematological malignance is the best evidence to support the existence CSCs. TPC (tumor Propagating cell) is the other phrase that has been used for cancer stem cells. CSCs p
br Introduction Sudden cardiac death
Introduction Sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with low ventricular function remains a substantial problem despite improved medical therapies [1–3]. Many patients require antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent recurrent arrhythmias and reduce the number of shocks from implanted cardioverter-defibri
The tumor microenvironment is enriched with EMVs that are de
The tumor microenvironment is enriched with EMVs that are derived not only by proliferating tumor cells, but also from infiltrating macrophages and neutrophils, and support tumor cell survival, growth, invasion and metastasis. Tumor derived EMVs also have the potential to modulate surrounding stroma
Esta institucionalizaci n penetr en la
Esta institucionalización penetró en la sociedad, por lo que sus integrantes fueron apartándose de las prácticas políticas que pudiesen identificarlos como comunistas. En la etapa posdemocrática, el uso de palabras como filocomunistas o pro-comunistas, convivió con la instauración de los gobiernos e
JWH 073 br Conflict of interest br Introduction br Baseline
Conflict of interest Introduction Baseline ablation strategies targeting PVs It is well known that PVI was first developed to eliminate the triggers that initiate attacks of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation [1]. Subsequently, the additional function of the PV myocardium to perpetuate atrial f
The results described thus far suggest that PtAF induced atr
The results described thus far suggest that PtAF-induced atrial remodeling combined with acute atrial stretch facilitates anchoring of 3-D scroll waves to the border of atrial pectinate muscle and prolongs their life span in favor of AF maintenance. However, why is it that scroll waves anchor to the
The presence of an inflammatory infiltrate is associated wit
The presence of an inflammatory infiltrate is associated with poor prognosis in a number of malignancies, including those with a predilection for metastasis to bone. CAFs are capable of promoting, and maintaining an inflammatory environment by recruiting immune cells; in particular monocyte/macropha
Por otro lado cabe subrayar
Por otro lado, cabe subrayar que esta “elegía” de Pellicer se asemeja al género precolombino del icnocuicatl, los “Canto[s] de desolación, de orfandad” (Garibay 1992: 89). Según Garibay, estos cantos precolombinos “tienen parentesco con las elegías […] de los poetas de Occidente, en que se canta la
De esta forma siguiendo la
De esta forma, siguiendo la multicitada metáfora de Hemingway, el relato policiaco es solamente la punta del iceberg, mientras que los excesos de la política se encuentran debajo del mar (de lama). El relato policíaco, entonces, no es sólo un “pretexto narrativo”, o una simple guía para el lector me
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